Why Selah Wellness?

While there’s no clear translation of the Hebraic word “Selah”, the most observed is “a moment to pause and reflect”. 
The sacred transition from maiden to mother is often overlooked in western culture - however it is one the greatest thresholds we will ever cross. 


We all enter pregnancy under different circumstances - and regardless of the path that led you to move from the “Maiden” phase of life, and onto “Mother” - this initiation is an invitation to align with your highest self. 

As a doula, student midwife and pregnancy + postpartum yoga instructor, I am dedicated to empowering women through the most transformational period of life.


Katie Michele

“She shall be like a tree, firmly planted by streams of water. Which yield its fruit in its season; it's leaves do not wither, and in whatever she does - she prospers and comes to maturity.”

Psalm 1:3